Issue #146
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Surfing & Cruising  

Making Asian connections

by Bret Kelly

As a white male born in a predominately white society, I have only
a tiny grasp of what being different must be like. Gay is difficult
enough but I have the advantage of my skin colour and I can always
deepen my voice and straighten my limp wrist. Being gay and “of
colour” in a \WASPish society must be challenging and difficult at best.

Here are some Web links that relate to the Gay Asian experience:

Gay Asians Toronto –

This group celebrates their 20th anniversary on Sept. 7 at Buddies
at Bad Times Theatre. Their objective is to promote unity and mutu-
al support among Gay Asians.

Asians and Friends — Ottawa —

Very brief site (four pages or less) with info about the organization.

Asian Community AIDS Services –

“On World AIDS Day, December 1, 1994, three of the AIDS
groups serving the Southeast Asian communities in Metro Toronto
joined forces to form a new coalition agency  Asian Community
AIDS Services (ACAS).” This would be the Web site.

Asian Men’s Club –

Chat room for Asian men… but nobody was home when I visited. 1

Gay Vietnamese Alliance — / I

California-based group that provides support for gay, bi and trans—
gendered men of Vietnamese descent. The organization has a chapter
in Toronto as well as San Francisco and Los Angeles.

Long Yang Club Toronto – A

Local group who’s purpose is to provide a “social club for gay peo-
ple of Asian and non—Asian ancestry.” The site contains detailed infor-
mation about the group, pictures of the members and a personal
advertisement section.

Pro Gay Philippines —

Manila based organization that dates back to 1993. Very political
group that aims to receive “recognition of economic, social and polit—

ical rights of all sexual minorities.”

Toronto Tongzhi Club —

“Tongzhi means gay/lesbian in Chinese. The Toronto Tongzhi
Club is a nonprofit social organization for gay/lesbian people in
Toronto. Most members are mandarin speaking from China.”

Gay China —

Basically, this site is a personal board for Asian men and those who
admire them. The Canadian section had a scant four postings but the
listings were very current. This site would be useful for those planning
a vacation to the Orient and for those who would like to make some ,
friends before their trip.

OG Magazine —

As always, saving the naughty stuff for last. Most of this site is ded-
icated to selling erotic videos and magazines. A few nudes on the site,
but really nothing too scintillating.

Beauty Asian Boys —

The preview looks appealing, as very attractive men adorn each
page and the free area has several photos of guys in revealing poses.