Issue #141
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Surfing & Cruising

Worldwide Pride sites

by Bret Kelly —

I spanned the globe and scanned the Web in search of different
Pride celebrations and thought… “Hey, what a great idea for a col-

Instead of listing a bunch of URLs by geography, I thought it
might be more fun to send you to some of the sites that I thought
were interesting to look at, wherever the location.

Iceland Pride —

Home to geysers and Bjork and what they refer to as ‘Different
Days in Reykjavik’, a series of gay themed events held from May to
August. Site contains links to travel associations, photos and a histo-
ry of the event.

Houston Pride —

Also, held at the same time as Toronto’s Pride and not my first
thought when I think Pride but there’s always next year. Site has a
nice layout and great opening graphic.

Melbourne Pride –

If you missed this event held back in January, check out the
midsummer festival online. The photo gallery is worth a peek, as the
naked man on all fours will capture your attention.

Montreal Pride —

Way better than the previous site! The festival is held during the
first weekend in August and all the parties are listed here. The 1999
gallery should give you a taste of what to expect this year.

Munich Pride — www.csd—

All in German, this site lists the events planned for their Pride cel—
ebrations in July. If you are looking for more information on other
German Pride Fests, check out

New Zealand Pride —

Held back in February, the Hero festival is New Zealand’s version
of Pride.

Rome Pride –

The first week in July is when Rome hosts World Pride celebra—
tions. This site includes history, photos, events and media updates.

San Francisco Pride –

My fave of all the pride sites I viewed — very nicely designed and
it loads very quickly. As it also occurs the same time as our Pride, the
photo gallery of last year’s celebration is good for a “wish you were
there” feeling.

Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras –

Opening Flash presentation makes this a must-see site. Held every
February, the party looks like a blast and merchandise is still available
(in case you want people to think you attended).

Vancouver Pride Society —

Simple and to the point, the site for Vancouver’s Pride (end of July)
is well laid out and visually pleasing without being annoying.

Looking for Pride celebrations in a specific city? Check out
InterPride (, which is “the international associa-
tion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered pride coordinators” and
click on the global pride calendar.