Issue #127
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Have yourself a tacky little Christmas

I’m not a big Christmas fan but I try and make the best of it.
Unfortunately, Xmas is a holiday you can’t escape; it’s everywhere
from the hair salon to your favourite bar. It hits you over head like a
bitter drag queer with a very large purse. One thing I do like about
the season is the tacky aspect that appeals to my inner sense of twist-
ed behaviour. If you’re looking for a slightly different perspective to
the holidays point your browser to these URLs:

Mmmm! Smells Like Christmas –
A short film that was shown at many gay festivals including the one
I haven’t seen the film but looks interesting from the
Flash/QuickTime Enhanced site. The blurb reads: “a lonely gay man
gets just what he wants for Christmas with a little help from Mom
(and a giant cockroach)”.

The Fight Before Christmas —

If you’re feeling a little political this season. check this out. It’s a
heart—warming story of Bruce and Bill. a male couple, subtitled: “A
video musical comedy about same—sex couples and Family values”.

Gay Wired Christmas Cards —
Forgot to send someone a card? There was probably a reason ya
did. But ifyoifre feeling guilty and nasty at the same time, send ‘em

one of these .exe files. Not Happy99 but so ugly they’ll wish it were.
Gadar Greetings –
Icky looking queer Xmas cards. Wait till Boxing Day and you

I might be able to get ‘em for free. The worst example is Santa Claus

in bed with a buff‘ shirtless dude, while 2 ducks (literally) pop outta
fireplace to exclaim “Santa?l” More samples available.’

Hang With Pride –

Can’t enough ofthat rainbow flag stufffrom Flat Irons? Well, check
this crap out, “Hand painted rainbow creations’ for your Xmas Tree.
Angels, Snowmen and a Freaky Santa Head (available in poli;u:all,\
correct black or white) that will keep you awake at night.

Santa Is Gay — ‘

Reasons Santa is gay, including: “Look at the size of the bag lu-
packs For a one night tripl” Never really thought about it iilfi-(iiix
kinda had my heart set on Mr. Clean.

Homo—Twisted Christmas Carols — www.tiac.netfusers/got‘—

Really obnoxious and not particularly funny Christmas Carols
altered to make most gay men wince. in the so bad it’s good category.
Jingle Balls and Let Me Blow among the most ridiculous.